Best Interview Techniques for Job Seekers

Once you finally have a full command over writing an impressive resume and cover letter, and you are getting interview calls, it’s time to learn the best interview techniques to be succeeded in the interview. This article focuses on the best interview techniques for the job seekers. Let’s have a look at these useful tips to polish your interview skills.

Best Interview Techniques:

  1. Conduct a Research on the Employer:

If you want to get success in an interview, you should have a solid knowledge about the employer. Before going for the interview, you must conduct a research on the company’s background, origin and its strengths and weaknesses. It is better to visit the employer’s official website as well as check its contacts on a social network.

best interview techniques

  1. Prepare Interview Questions/Answers:

Another way for a successful interview is preparing questions and answers beforehand. Just make bullet points on a sheet about the main interview questions with their responses. The best way to remember all answers is to write them in the form of a story which you can tell during the interview. Once you have developed your talking points, it will be easier for you to handle all interview questions.

  1. Dress Up Gracefully:

You should select a wardrobe that suits the company’s culture. It’s better if you find out the organization’s dress code before going for an interview. Your dress should be clean and properly ironed. Please do not wear heavy jewelry and sharp colors for an interview. Try to wear something more formal and decent.

best interview techniques

  1. Get Prepared :

A day before the interview, you should pack up all the necessary items. It is better if you file all important documents in a folder. You can include the photocopies of your educational documents, experience letters, national identity card, job letters, cover letter and resume in the file folder. Don’t forget to keep a pen and a pad of papers in your beg.  And last but not least, turn off your cell phone or activate the silent mode when you get into the office.

  1. Be Punctual:

A person who arrives late on an interview shows his/her irresponsibility and non-seriousness towards the job he has come for. It should be your first priority to arrive around 15 minutes before the interview. In this way, you put a positive impact on the employer as well as you have enough time to complete all the paper work.

best interview techniques

  1. Behave Courteously:

“First Impression is the Last Impression” is the basic rule of interviewing.  So you need to make your first impression good. Be polite and courteous with anyone you meet. Never show arrogant and rude behavior with any of staff members. When meet with the interviewer, be confident, pass a smile, make an eye to eye contact and connect with a firm handshake.

  1. Be Authentic and Focused:

To be authentic and truthful during the interview is one of the best interview techniques. Try to provide focused and authentic answers related to your personal, educational and professional background. Provide solid examples of solutions and achievements. But keep your answers short and to the point. No matter what but never speak anything bad about your previous employer.

best interview techniques

  1. Avoiding bad Body Language:

Body language is the most important thing during an interview. A poor body language can be reason for the rejection of the most talented and educated candidate. Slumping, not having an eye to eye contact with the interviewer, showing laziness, playing with pen or hair, touching face or chewing gum are the signs of a poor body language.

  1. Prepare Insightful Questions:

Asking insightful questions from the employer during the interview shows candidate’s interest in the job. So even if the interviewer explains everything thoroughly about the job position, you should still ask few insightful questions. To avoid any inconvenience, prepare your questions one day before the job interview.

best interview techniques

Few important questions that you can ask from the interviewer are,

  1. What will be my day to day responsibilities?
  2. What are your expectations for this position during first 30 days?
  3. Who does this position report to?
  4. What are the working hours for this job?
  5. What is the typical career path in this role?
  6. What are the next interview steps?
  7. How much travel is expected?
  8. What is the typical work week?
  9. If I get a job offer, how soon would you like me to join?
  10. When can I expect to hear from you?
  1. Be Thankful to the Interviewer:

Thanking each person interviewed you, shows politeness and good manners.  This is one of the best interview techniques that produces a positive impression on the employer. You can write thank you email after the interview. May be, this will not get you the job offer but definitely will make you prominent over the finalist who did not try to send a thank you email.

Final Thoughts:

If you want to be successful in a job interview, you need to be persistence with lots of practice and research. The more preparation you will do for a job interview, the more chances there will be to get succeeded in it. Even the most talented and the smartest candidates need to do practice for the job interview. So don’t worry and follow these best interview techniques for a thriving interview.

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